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Full blood Wagyu refers to the beef produced from Wagyu cattle who show no evidence of cross-breeding with other breeds and whose pedigree can be traced back to Japan providing 100% Full-Blood Wagyu beef.

The Crossbred Wagyu is the result of a cross between two cattle, whose percentage of Wagyu blood ranges from a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 87.5% (F1, F2, F3).

When the percentage of Wagyu blood reaches 93% or above, we are looking at a Purebred Wagyu.

all kobe is wagyu
but not all wagyu is kobe

Some people may be familiar with 'Kobe beef', which is world famous for its quality. Kobe beef is simply Wagyu that comes from the Kobe region in Japan.

what is wagyu?

Wagyu breeds, National Japanese Patrimony, are the result of two-hundred years of very accurate selections. Wagyu are generally smaller compared to other breeds, and also their growth is slower, still their meat is considered one of the most valuable food worldwide.

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first in italy
to breed wagyu

We always have rigorously followed the Japanese traditional breeding methods with the consultation of a Japanese expert Wagyu cattle breeding.

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since 1939, 4 generations

Our family has been investing into agriculture since 1939. In 1960 it enters into the beef world, by investing in R&D and innovation.

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In questa sezione troverete notizie, aggiornamenti, ricette, curiosità, sotto forma di articoli, video e collegamenti che riconducono a tutto quello che può essere il Wagyu ed il suo mondo.

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